In 1929, it was often seen the Sherif, making way for a group of laborers, mostly workers affected by the severe crisis. With their sacrifice embankments were maintained, overlooking the lake and the woods and vineyards.
The two Fascist signs, on the Anphiteater Royal Box originally had to be similar to those on the entrance of the Montanari villa. The amphitheater underground access was marked by the same boundary stones present all around the fencing of the villa as a clear reference that was part of the same territory. The application of the fascist sickle instead of a pine cone that had to be present on the top of the columns is likely a remnant of RSI - Alpenvorland. Above the promontory of the amphitheater where even today there is a moorish kiosk, in 1943 was installed a flak position. (In fact they were men from Ahnenerbe and a Fascist officer sent by Minister Gentile. Both had an anti-informative role.
In 1934 Minister Gentile, President of the Italian Institute of Germanic Studies, appointed a commission of experts to census the whole complex as a Semi-Natural Ancient Roman Theatre.However, someone, perhaps the Count Guido Piovene writer and journalist, correspondent of Corriere della Sera in Germany on the recommendation of his friend Luigi Maltarello, reported it to the Musicologist Fritz von Bose who involved new German commercial allies and more fans to the situation. In 1930 the Maltarello family exports components, and trade pianos made by Guido Schellenberg.
Guido is from Saarbrücken and introduces Maltarello to his mate Max Ophüls (the Director Max Oppenheimer).
It was made a first reconstruction of the giant Amphitheatre complex and for the first time was ideated a documentary that with various still images would have mimicked the entry of a reconstructed Celtic boat and a Viking one penetrating from the Bay of Fontega through the isthmus of Tormeno.
At that time, however, they lacked the means to carry out this type of aerial shooting and Lake of Fontega was near to its complete drying up and its channeling. Subsequently was involved in the project also the son of Louis Maltarello, the Lieutenant Pilot, Ettore Malosso who refused to record from air at Fimon because the shootings would lack any stability.
As the lake of Fontega is part of the Fascist plan transforming valleys in hydroelectric reservoirs as the Reschensee (see image) or soil reclamation for those intended for intensive agriculture, it was thought to employ one of the balloons similar to those designed by Pasquale Cordenons and then by the fellow citizen Conte Almerigo from Schio, borrowing it from the Luftwaffe. The balloon had been employed in the finals matches in rowing competitions in Grunau by Hans Ertl, the father of the warrior lady Monica Ertl (known for its militancy with Che Guevara) ("Canarias") and Leni Riefenstahl, whom Mussolini asked to organize a documentary on Fascist Reclamation of lands. Leni however refers to Hitler.
In 1936 Oppenheimer suggests the use of a helicopter in the style of the one used in the spectacular demonstration inside the Deutschladhalle in Berlin, piloted by the famous German aviatrix Hanna Reitsch. But it is still science fiction. Only words remain. Meanwhile for the Lake of Fontega, without Italians organizing a coordinated plan or compiling a list that helps the recovery of the many precious findings extracted first from Paul Lioy, and then from Gastione Trevino, is lost a lot of valuable time. (Conversely, the organization had proceeded fairly for the lake of Nemi and its findings: i.e. the extraction of the ships was also documented cinematically).
So, ingloriously, ended, without advertising nor much attention the complete artificial drainage of the Lake of Fontanega, the 'last great source of millennial Great Lake of Vicenza and from Germany meanwhile came the men of' Ahnenerbe.
In sharp contrast to the will of Benito Mussolini to approve as archaeologically Romano everything that could demonstrate the size of the Roman Empire in the world, from 20 September 1935 to 1939 a special department of archaeologists dell'Ahnenerbe became more of an inspection on 'Amphitheatre inserting it between the other among the possible environments that filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl with Fritz von Bose and perhaps with Lída Baarová could use to demonstrate the 'extension, size and distant origins of Culture German-Celtic.he presence of the Germanic peoples, Cimbrian and even Viking had never been in the mystery Berici. Enough to rule out that this place, reminiscent of great gatherings of the Celtic tribes, had been Romanized. It was enough to scroll through documents stored in local parishes for confirmation.
Primarily to S. Germano dei Berici. Which later, during the events of the war, did cheer archaeologists in uniform while the prelates were wondering what's so important to be hiding in those unannounced visits.
In the case of the nearby Sanctuary Celtic, to say that it was the oldest outdoor theater Celtic-Gallic would be "Das beste Stück" unique because until then the ancient theaters were considered expressions unrelated to the roots of the Germanic people.
The work of aArcheologi Germans Franz Altheim archeogo an expert on the study of the links between the greek and Roman civilization and the Arab and Persian, the other points of contact between the Italic civilizations and the culture of the Scandinavians and Erika Trautmann the Deutsches Ahnenerbe - Studiengesellschaft für Geistesurgeschichte photographer Erika Trautmann to determine the presence of the Celts through the only symbology that found shelter luckily only through caves guarded by secret passages as in val Camonica, was not easy Much of their history was over destroyed. The secrets of ancient medicine, natural remedies that were cultivated in Maso Closed and were then kept for centuries and passed orally from Celtic Priestesses then from mother to daughter had been lost because it was enough to prove to have healing abilities to finish at Rogo. About the documents: acts of witchcraft trials in Valcamonica, already held in the archives of the parishes, would end up in the nineteenth century in the private collection of Don Luigi Brescianelli of Capo di Ponte, but a strict orders of the Bishop of Brescia Giacinto Gaggia it would imposed destruction in order "not to foment an anti-clerical campaign".(Witch).
When Franz Altheim knew imminent attempt to drying up of the Lake of Fontega, rushed in Italy. He found similarities between Neusiedl and Lake of Fontega. But back to the '30s, need to remember that the German anthropologist Otto Reche defined the Veneto: "Veneter norditalienische Gallier werden und heute nicht mehr zu den Italikern gezählt, sondern als angesehen keltische Gruppen, die von Veneter manchen auch als Illyrer ... "in the end, on the one hand the Italian positions that never would accept in its ground that the" barbarians "could boast such a way that important archaeological assessment and on the other hand, the policy of Hitler that he hoped to the last even" Celts "British were allies of the Germans.
Irrivelabile per sua natura a quell'epoca , con i delicati mutamenti e precari equilibri politici in corso, la segreta diatriba terminerà allorché nel 1939, nel corso di una riunione presso l'Hotel Bristol a Bolzano, alla presenza degli uomini dell'OVRA coadiuvati dal Ministro della cultura Italiana Gentile, di comune accordo con gli archeologi Tedeschi, fu decisero di sospendere l' operazione di accertamento per evitare che due parti alleate corressero il rischio di entrare in competizione fra loro .
Ritrovamenti di reperti e materiale segretato appartenuto a graduati Italiani e Tedeschi vittime di un bombardamento sul luogo, fa pensare che il luogo rimase presidiato sia da Tedeschi che da Fascisti Italiani fino al 26 maggio del 1945. Ciò probabilmente dovuto all'incertezza, per cui le parti, ormai fuori controllo, temevano che fosse violato il segreto accordo ed anche perché pensavano che esso potesse essere conglobato nell'Alpenvorland.
Luigi Maltarello subsequently fell into misadventure with the fascist regime, for his pacifist ideas and to have said that the amphitheater of the Port of Angels was an archaeo -reperto attributable to the Celts. The same people that Mussolini recovering quotes Julius Caesar, although considered barbarous ancestors its allies Germans: the Celts.
But the memories resurfaced result of research in recent years confirms that they were Gallico - Celtic populations founders of this theater, a time, after the pre-history, a sanctuary Italico, and that as the whole area was certainly inhabited by tribes, in particular from the Baltic peoples such as the Cimbri and then Vikings Danes, Finns, Norwegians, Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Dutch, Belgians who swelled the Celts from Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and from there returned from France, Great Britain colonized the Po Valley.
The decision to suspend any kind of relationship between the parties and the reciprocal segretarne opposite conclusions German and Italian i was also motivated and especially after the German scout who insisted on the thesis of Celtic Germanic Amphitheatre. In 1937 an expedition dall''archeologo Franz Altheim and his wife, Erika Trautmann, he even expressed through the interpretation of ancient symbols carved by the Celts in the rock reliefs and in the caves of Concarena that the real founders of Rome were bred Celtic. Among those symbols will also recognize the oldest portrait of the Celtic Horned God Cernunnos (In Gallo-Roman religion, his name is known by the Pillar of the Boatmen, in French with Pilier des nautes.The interpretations of Franz Altheim began to dominate the heads of the main cultural newspapers around the world. They began to say that the interpretation of symbols in Celtic Italian soil even the real founders of ancient Rome had been to secure Celtic race. So even Rome, Capital of the World had been founded by Aryans. If they had been made public, these statements were likely to affect the balance of the Axis Berlin-Rome.
Italy and Germany at that time could not afford to enter into competition with each other. The commercial contracts between the two countries were huge. However, Mussolini barbaric considering everything that was not Roman tended also to Romanize every possible work due to the period of the Empire.
But 'Amphitheatre of the Port of Angels was devoid of Romanism.
Everything around him is. Not that Sanctuary, probably considered Celtic Sacred Temple by the Romans. So never conquered it desecrated. For Mussolini, the Barbarians were the British as the Germans. Both descendants, were related to the Celts. Mussolini considered valid descriptions esresse by Julius Caesar on this population. He could never approve similar statements in a territory controlled by Italy. Mussolini has the mind to reconstruct the colonial Empire Romano, an empire that goes far beyond the Italian territory at the time. But for him it would be very unwise to express themselves in international politics through such language.
In addition we are only two years away from the disputed penalties taken by the British against Italy. The British also Galli -Celti Bretons. At that time German policy was still convinced that the English would be valuable allies. But Mussolini's scaring the English colony which leaves the Italian Riviera to the more peaceful the French Riviera. And archaeologists Dear Minister, knew that the strain present in the Amphitheatre Celtic could have constituted an enrichment Celtic Breton. Italy and Germany at that time could not therefore enter into competition with each other for a Afiteatro Celtic. And the bestes Stücks history Germanic faded.