The Temple "Port of the Angels", then called Fortified Farm, was also the setting of Tietta of the Stolen Bucket's love scenes (described in "Ruzzante" by Begotto and Menone and later by Alessandro Tassoni).This lost Eden finally also consecrated the love story of The Without-face Girl, the kidnapped girl, that is The Black Lady of the Lake of Fontega, who was considered one of the female charachters of Giovanni Bellini's portrait "Sacred Allegory", a disturbing painting which hides a dangerous secret message which couldn't be deciphered by anyone.
("This kind of work was intended for a refined and culturaly preparated élite, able to understand every detail" .
Bellini's female characters are represented by mysterious faceless sculptures at the base of the Sanctuary-Teather, though some researchers affirms the female figures are the Celtic Lacustrine Matronae.
After crossing the Celtic Sacred Grove and arriving at the top of the Amphitheatre, the girls are still present today, represented by lonely sculptures without a face, and oriented melancholy toward the sunrise. However, for some researchers, these stone statues represented the Celtic Fluvial Goddesses(Celtic Mythology, Matrona).